Standard of Official Conduct

Residents of the Town of Kent expect Town of Kent Elected Officials to be independent, fair and impartial. This code establishes the minimum ethical standards that Elected Officials must observe. By adhering to these standards, Elected Officials will avoid both actual and potential conflicts of interest.

1.        Elected Officials should seek to improve the image and quality of public service at all times. They serve the Town of Kent, not their self-interests.

2.       Elected Officials shall not accept any gift or compensation valued at more than $25 from any person or organization interested in any Town business.

3.       No Elected Official shall use Town-owned property for personal convenience or profit.

4.       All Elected Officials serving on boards and commissions must refrain from voting upon or otherwise participating in any matter that presents a conflict of interest between their specific private self-interest and the interest of the residents of the Town of Kent.

5.       Elected Officials shall maintain the public's trust at all times by not disclosing confidential Town information outside of their official functions, nor divulging private confidential information in a public setting.

6.       Elected Officials shall not engage in political campaign activities while on municipal duty.

7.       No Elected Official shall enter into a contract with the Town of Kent unless the contract is awarded through a public, competitive bid process.

8.       No Elected Official shall use his/her position to influence any person for his/her self- interest.

9.    All Elected Officials are free and encouraged to exercise their rights as citizens, to cast their votes, and express their opinions on all political subjects but shall identify if the opinion is personal or reflects the Town’s position.

10.No Elected Official shall be in a supervisory or subordinate position to any other employee that is a member of his or her immediate family.